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Getting Ready for Middle School

Starting middle school can be an exciting time. There are new opportunities and challenges around every corner. You want to be as prepared as possible for this new chapter in your life. While you can’t prepare for every scenario, you can take some steps to stay on top of your work and extracurriculars. The following are a few tips to steer you in the right direction.  

Get a planner!

You might not have needed one before, but keeping track of what you need to get done will be critical in the coming school years. Writing down your assignments and due dates will help you stay organized.

Learn to prewrite.

Middle school writing is more complicated, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do it! Pre-writing exercises—like mind maps and graphic organizers—make things easier. You’ll have a foundation to get started, rather than staring at a blank screen or notebook not knowing where to start.

Show your math work.

Middle school math is more complicated, too! Again, small skills make a big difference, so start showing your work. Students often think doing math in their heads will be faster, but it often takes more time and leads to careless mistakes. Keeping track of your work will save time and points.

Practice asking for help.

Did you forget something? Miss what the teacher said? Staying silent will often lead to further confusion. Learn to self-advocate and respectfully ask for help!

Find books you love.

You might not love every book that’s assigned, but use every opportunity to read books that do appeal to you. Try mysteries, biographies, fantasy - the options are endless. Yes, graphic novels count!

Communicate with your family.

Let them know what you expect from the new year and when you get overwhelmed. Keeping those discussion channels open will help keep you and your family on the same page.