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Emra Mehmedovic

Western Kentucky University

B.A. English (Creative Writing concentration) and Film


Academic Mentorship

Essay Coaching

Being a first-generation American, Emradiscovered her passion for writing when she was a child, learning how to readin a language she couldn’t understand. Despite English being her secondlanguage, she always had a book in her hand, and that passion for writingfollowed her into adulthood. Emra graduated summa cum laude from WesternKentucky University with two BAs: English, with a concentration in creativewriting, and Film.


During her time at WKU, she worked as ateaching assistant where she collaborated with multiple professors to helpfacilitate four sections of three freshman-level courses. One of these courseswas part of WKU’s Summer Scholars program where Emra not only led classinstruction but also ensured that incoming freshmen felt confident in their newacademic environment. Emra was also a peer-tutor for two organizations at WKU:The Advising & Career Development Center and The Writing Center. Emra hasexpertise in tutoring subjects such as English and grammar, literature,history, film studies, and essay writing and composition along with creativewriting genres like fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.


When Emra wasn’t tutoring students or planninglectures with professors, she was editing hundreds of submissions for Zephyrus,WKU’s fine art magazine, where three of her own pieces were published.Additionally, she was the third place winner of the Mary Ellen and Jim WayneMiller Celebration of Writing Contest in 2021 and a finalist in 2019. Herpassion for writing didn’t stop there as she was also a featured writer forSpalding’s School of Writing, The Louisville Review & 21c Museum Hotel’s“Voice and Vision” event in 2021.


As a first-generation college student who hadto navigate the complexity of college academics all by herself, Emra knows howscary this new chapter can be. Her approach to mentorship is focused on makingstudents feel seen. Preparing for college is an important step in a student’slife, and the tasks that come along with that step cause a lot of anxiety.Emra’s one-on-one approach creates an environment where students can come toterms with that anxiety while also gaining the confidence they need to succeed.Every student needs to know that they have the capabilities to create amazingwork, and it is Emra’s goal to have students find that confidence in order togrow academically.


When Emra isn’t working with students, she ismaking independent short films. Her short film "Workshop" (2022) wonBest Student Film at The 2022 Creator’s Festival, and a film she produced,"Happy Mombie’s Day" (Kunish, 2022), won at the National Academy ofTelevision and Sciences Ohio Valley Chapter Student Production Awards.

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Emra Mehmedovic

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Emra Mehmedovic

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